Hakema Solutions Oy hereafter referred to as “Company”, provides a booking, marketing and customer feedback platform that helps small businesses to manage and market their services and improve business sales.
We respect your privacy. We have established this policy so that you may better understand the information we collect and use and disclose the information collected so that you may make informed decisions. This privacy policy is intended to apply to individuals or entities who use Hakema’s websites, web and mobile applications, products and services (collectively, “Services”).
The Services are used by businesses (“Businesses”) who register for the Services and by the customers and/or customers of such Businesses (“Consumers”). For the purposes of this Policy, “User”, as the term is used here, refers to an individual or an entity that uses our Services, referred to as “User” or “Users”. We collect information from the Businesses and Consumers and we also collect information in connection with the operation, maintenance and usage of the Company Services. Customer Information, being personal information relating to individuals with whom our Users interact (such as customers of their businesses).
By using or accessing the Service(s), you are accepting and agreeing to the practices described in this Privacy and Security Policy and entrusting Hakema with the protection and sensitivity of your information, and that of your customers. This is a responsibility we take very seriously. This document is intended to outline what we collect, how we store it, what we do with it, and what your rights are as it relates to that data.
For the purposes of GDPR in the European Union, we are the ‘data controller’ of this Business and Consumer Information and we collect and store it for the purposes of providing our Services to Businesses and Consumers and maintaining records and contact details relating to those Services and Users. This policy sets out how Hakema processes your information.