Take a break, you deserve it!

blog, Hakema.io

This blog post is for businesses and their staff who are using or plan to use any appointment booking or scheduling system and would  like adding break feature.

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Breaks are an essential part of every workday. Sometimes they are scheduled, like a lunch with your significant other or a meeting with the bank, and sometimes they appear suddenly when a child becomes ill and needs attention. Over the phone this is easy to manage, but how to do it when you are accepting bookings online?

We thought of this and made it as easy for you as possible.

One the calendar page, you will find a button “add break”.  Simply click it and fill in the information for you break. Select the person having a break and the start and end time. That’s it.

Add a break on Bookability                   add-break-2


All the times within that timeframe will be blocked out and are therefore not bookable by online. You can easily cancel the break if you want. Click it in the calendar and click remove.


Please note: bookings that exist already are not cancelled. If you want to cancel them, you need to do them manually.

Free 30 day trial with all features. No credit card required. No fixed term contract.

Hakema, Service Business
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