5 Digital Marketing Tips for Beauty Salons and Hairdressers

Beauty salon and hairdresser business are becoming very competitive as it is not only individual professionals but also chains entering it.

Digital Marketing Tips for Beauty Salons and Hairdressers

As a small entrepreneur you want your salon or shop to stand out. While traditional ways of marketing still exist and may work out for some, the fact is over 85% of the users are online. You can’t afford to rely on the traditional methods only but need to embrace digital marketing methods to take advantage of changing user behaviour.

Here are some of the marketing tips for you to stay ahead:

  1. Promotions and offers:  Offers have proven to attract customers old and new, for e.g. first-time customer gets 20% off. This is very useful in filling quiet times. So always try to be visible to your target customers through promotions. There are many places you can post these offers online, starting from your own website, relevant Facebook groups or other online marketing channels.
  2. Time-based discounts: There are usually unsold times in your calendar. You should think about filling your calendar the way hotels fill their rooms. So offer a discount when a customer is ready to book his/her next appointment or create time based deals for off-peak times. There are several ways to announce discounts including using a top-notch booking system which can show selected times as discounted and will help you to attract customers for those unfilled hours.
  3. List your business: Your website may be decent and able to attract some customers. Search engines like Google might give you some traffic. However without spending some serious money, you will not be visible enough. So get listed on a reputed local directory or a marketplace which will definitely help to get additional visibility. Marketplaces have professional experts and will help you to lift your business and attract more customers.
  4. Loyalty Cards: Loyalty cards are proven to drive customers and repeat business. This method has worked and being used by millions. Most businesses are used to print cards. However, new digital loyalty cards can help you to do more targeted marketing. They work like print cards except the customers need not carry them as they get them through email.
  5. Email marketing: Email is one of the simplest and most polite ways to get in touch with your customers. It is a way of reminding your customers about your business, current offers and promotions. Do not forget to include a way to contact you or book the next appointment, right from the email. There are many free-to-use tools to build your email marketing. Having a central place to keep your customer information and being able to remind your customers about you is the key to driving more business.

(Finnish version of this post is available here.)

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Digital Marketing, Service Business, Small Business Marketing, smb
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