4 Reasons to use a Domain Specific Email Address for your Business

The majority of us use generic email addresses in our personal lives. Yahoo and Gmail are two of the most popular, as well as a wide range of others that can be acquired for free. As a business, however, I’m sure you will agree that this is not the most professional thing to do but to get a domain specific email address.


Online statistics show that about 50% of businesses are still using generic email addresses. While less than 33% are actually using domain specific ones.

Below are four reasons that using a domain specific email address can help you to achieve greater recognition as a business.

  1. Having a domain, and using an associated email address, is the same as creating your own brand. This shows an added level of professionalism in the way that your business is conducted, and is the online equivalent to opening a physical store.
  2. Receiving SPAM is not only annoying, but it can also be very time consuming to sort through. Setting up domain specific email addresses which include employees names, e.g. john@mydomain.com as opposed to info@mydomain.com, significantly decreases how often you receive SPAM emails.
  3. As brand ambassadors of their companies, small business owners need to maintain a clear identity. Corresponding through a personal email address makes valued customers, and other stakeholders, more likely to view the communicating party as an individual.
  4. People are more likely to reply to emails that are received from a domain specific email address as opposed to an unprofessional generic one, e.g. john@mydomain.com vs. grim.john@gmail.com

Keeping all this information in mind, it would be recommended that business owners re-examine their brand identity and take the time and effort to create consistency between their physical and their online business presence. These online platforms include, but are not limited to, your domain, associated email addresses, social media accounts, and any related blogs or SEO content.

Creating the best balance of an offline and online business will ensure that both you and your company look more professional, polished and credible in the eyes of customers, as well as other business associates.

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